The saying “You are what you eat” carries a lot of truth, especially in terms of overall health and dental health.  Your body is a wonderful “machine” which needs the proper fuel to function at peak performance.  So, too, do your teeth and gums need the proper nutrition.  The foods you choose affect the overall health of your mouth.   The first signs of poor nutrition often show up in the mouth.

The ADA (American Dental Association) recommends foods high in calcium and phosphorus. Examples of calcium rich foods include cheese, milk, yogurt and leafy greens.  Protein rich foods (for example meat, fish, eggs and milk) provide a good source for phosphorus.  These minerals help to protect and rebuild tooth structure.

Foods that are high in fiber and water (fruits and vegetables) are also good choices for your dental health.  These foods stimulate saliva production which protects teeth from decay by washing away harmful acids and food particles.   Many fruits and vegetables also contain vitamins C and A, both contributing to good dental health and healing.

We are blessed to live in a country and region where good food is plentiful and easily obtained.  That said, there is still significant food insecurity in our region of Bucks County.  To help fight this problem, our office is supporting the DJP Memorial Fund’s food drive on Saturday, May 20, at the Northampton Township Recreation Center (Civic Center -345 Newtown Richboro Road, Richboro) from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  We are collecting non-perishable food, including baby food and formula, as well as hygiene products.

The beneficiaries of the DJP Memorial food drive are the Bethanna food pantry and the Bucks County emergency homeless shelter.  The DJP Memorial Fund honors a wonderful man, Dan Parzych, who was raised in Richboro and was violently and senselessly taken from us 3 years ago. Please go to to learn more about Dan, the fund, and the work that it does.