Full, or complete, dentures are necessary when all teeth are missing whereas, partial dentures are an option when only some of the teeth are missing. Either way, modern dentistry can produce a beautiful result that looks great and feels comfortable.

Older dentures tend to wear out over time and become loose, affecting the ability to chew comfortably. As dentures age and wear down from use, the teeth appear smaller and creases and crack lines can form at the corners of the mouth. With newer materials being used for today’s dentures, we can achieve a more youthful look that will last for years.

There is also an option of attaching today’s modern denture to dental implants for an even more secure ability to eat and function. This procedure is often referred to as “teeth in a day” or “All on four”. Imagine eating an apple or steak without worrying about your dentures getting loose. Technology has come so far in the area of replacing teeth that people who are wearing old, ill-fitting dentures are missing an exciting aspect of dental health.

dental implant
dental implants