Want to get rid of those frown lines or wrinkles?
Come see AAFE-certified Dr. Michael T. Spadafora for a facial esthetics consultation to determine if Botox or Dermal Fillers are a good treatment option for you!
Let us give you that more youthful, confident look that you want and deserve!

What is Botox?
Botox is an FDA-approved, injectable solution used to reduce facial wrinkles, mainly in the forehead, eyes, and mouth areas. It is a fast, affordable, minimally invasive technique to slow down the aging process and help you look and feel like your best self! Botox injections take anywhere from 2-10 days to take full effect and can last 3-4 months before they wear away. With continued treatment, the patient may see the effects last longer.
In addition to the esthetic benefits of Botox, it also has therapeutic value and can help treat symptoms related to headaches, teeth grinding (bruxism), and TMJ/TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder), potentially increasing your quality of life greatly!
What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal Fillers are hyaluronic acid based injectable solutions used to help restore lost facial volume due to aging. Filler injections work immediately to smooth wrinkles and add volume where they are injected. They are a safe and effective method for facial rejuvenation and the results are immediate! The results usually last around 6 months.
Who are candidates for these treatments?
Anyone who wants to reverse some of the natural aging process by reducing wrinkles or adding volume to facial structures without undergoing surgery. Since every patient has different needs and desires, a thorough consultation and treatment plan is a must for our patients at BCDD. Dr. Mike will spend time getting to know you and is happy to do a courtesy facial esthetics consult to see if either of these treatments would help you! Treatment appointments are usually between 15-30 minutes and can be done in conjunction with any dental needs you might have or can be completed as a stand-alone procedure.
Why see a dentist for these services?
Dentists are experts in facial anatomy and give injections in the mouth on a routine basis. Dentists have the skill set necessary to safely and effectively deliver Botox and Dermal Fillers and are the perfect medical professional for these services. Seeing a certified dentist in their office, while combining the office visit with some form of dentistry, is a great way to look younger and maintain a healthy smile at the same time! Botox and Dermal Fillers are excellent alternatives to invasive surgery and are fast, affordable and comfortable when compared to surgery.
Dr. Michael T. Spadafora is a member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics.